The online exhibition for abstract, abstracted and modern paintings
Online exhibition for modern paintings
Painted by Mimpi-ARt
The Netherlands

Reliëf (Stylish)

Reliëf (Stylish) painted by Mimpi-ARt

Relïef in de serie 'Stylish'.
Geinspireerd door 'De Stijl' (Mondriaan, Doesburg e.a.)

2 keer 3 stuks (zwart en wit) afgerond hout op mdf-plaat, waardoor er 16 vlakken ontstaan op het doek (alle opstaande vlakken hebben de kleuren zwart, wit, rood, geel en blauw). Dit is helaas niet op de foto te zien. Wilt u meer zien, dan kan ik u meer foto's toe sturen. Acrylverf.

Painted by


Total size
100 x 100 cm

Created on
June 2017

For sale

€ 575,-

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Art impression
A global impression of the painting "Reliëf (Stylish)" 100x100cm.

Other paintings by Mimpi-ARt

70 x 120 cm

Abstract 3 (Stylish)
40 x 50 cm

New Orleans (Dancing around the World)
40 x 50 cm

Lisboa (Dancing around the World)
40 x 50 cm

Boompje, glaasje, Appeltje?
40 x 50 cm

Buenos Aires 'El Cuevo' (Dancing around the World)
40 x 50 cm

Into the triangle
140 x 56,5 cm

S(q)wirl 2 - Alpha searching for Omega
50 x 50 cm

Accepting the blue(s) (Acceptance)
50 x 40 cm

Frankfort (Dancing around the World)
40 x 50 cm